Friday, April 25, 2014

Some drawings done by Jason Ford last week.

Drawn and colored in Photoshop
They are scenes from a book he read called the Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan.
Photography by Jan Clark
Stella's pose and Boston's pose.  Ha!
The art of Glasses
The Hearts and Space-80s glasses are from Susi Poulson

Sam Clark derby car 2012
Brett Clark derby car 1984

Friday, April 18, 2014

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Drawings from Topher Clarks Sketchbook 1985

Notice the big chins on the people.
The following drawings are from Brett 1985.  
"I tried to draw like Topher for years"

"Neal invited me to launch rockets with them one year.  Still one of the best memories I have." Brett
Japanese Cinnamon Roll Art by Mikaila Cook