Friday, December 26, 2014

Stella is sewing!
Stella made Fisher a CAPE!

Stella's beautiful handmade skirt.

Fleece Pants and Purse

Pencil Skirt

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Parrot By Hannah Ford age 9
Line drawing on paper, scanned into the computer then painted in photoshop!

Arbor Swing by Brett Clark
This is a drawing I did for My grandpa's biography.  It is a grape arbor and swing he built.  It was his last project before he died.  I drew my mom and me on the swing.  The B shaped bird in the corner is my signature.  He is pulling up a night crawler.  Grandpa Poulson used to wake me up at 4:30 in the morning to dig night crawlers by flashlight before a day of fishing on Strawberry Reservoir.
I did the drawing with pencil then scanned it into photoshop to "paint" it.  Jason Ford taught me this technique!
Squint your eyes to see grandpa better!