Tuesday, June 4, 2013

I Am AWESOME!! Survey :: Bubba Ungricht

Your name and age:
Nathan Jerry Ungricht AKA Bubba age 34

If you have children, how many?
3 kids. Boston is almost 7. Stella is 5. Fisher is 1.

How would you describe yourself?
Bubba is outgoing, friendly, not afraid of anything, loves people, has to always be doing something, ambitious, usually can get whatever he sets his mind to.

Where did you go to college? What did you major in?
He went to SLCC and now UVU, general studies, wants to major in Fire Science.

If you went on a mission, where?
Dublin, Ireland

Where were you born and raised? Where do you live now?
Born in Oklahoma, adopted and raised here in salt lake and still live here.

What is your favorite place you have visited - or place you would like to
Ireland to both questions.

What is your favorite food?

What is your favorite book, movie or both.
Book: Lone Survivor  -   Movie: Band of Brothers

What music do you like to listen to?
Indie Rock

What is your occupation? What would your dream job be? Or what do you want to be when you grow up?
He is a firefighter and also works at the Sports Den - and anything to earn dough (mowing lawns, selling cars, fixing bikes). Dream job would be a U.S. Navy Seal.

What are some things that you enjoy doing?
Road biking and Mtn. Biking, Snowboarding.

Do you have any special talents or things you’re learning to do?
Bubba can figure out how to fix anything and can get a deal on pretty much anything because he knows someone everywhere - it really comes in handy. He wants to learn how to play the bagpipes. He is talented at taking an hour to get to the end of the street when we go on walks because he stops and talks to everyone for-EVER!

What is a goal you have?
To be in love and stay in love with my wife for the rest of my life. (Awwwww)

What is your pet peeve?
eating with your mouth open, loud eaters

Have you been on any adventures?
Yes, everyday I go to work is an adventure.

Something you’re afraid of?

What was your most funny or embarrassing moment?
Falling over like a tree at the dog park (He slipped down a muddy slope and just went stiff straight - arms at sides, didn't even try to catch himself, it was hilarious looking. I think I laughed all day.)

What is your best quality?
His optimism and ability to talk to anyone.

Share an interesting fact that we don’t know about you.
He played the saxaphone in highschool and was the singer in a punk band. Despite all the war movies he likes, he also likes teeny-bopper love story movies like A Cinderella Story starring Hillary Duff hee hee...

Share something you would like to do or see some day, or a dream that you
have already fulfilled.
Normandy and the areas around Euorpe to look at the WWII history.

Favorite thing you like to do with your family?
Go to Ireland.

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