Saturday, June 1, 2013

I Am AWESOME!! Survey :: Steve Clark

Your name and age:
Steven David Clark, 34

Your parents names: 

Neal and Chris Clark (the second, and most favorite, son)

If you have children, how many?

3-but I want as many as my wife will give me

If you’re married, what is your spouses name and how did you meet? 
Erica-we met while wearing bathing suits at the local pool where she worked and I pretended to work.

If you’re in school what grade are you in, what is your favorite thing about school, what is your least favorite thing about school? 

I am no longer in school—yea!!

How would you describe yourself? 

Tired but happy

Where did you go to college? What did you major in? 

Utah Valley University; Technology Management

If you went on a mission, where? 

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma—Whoop whoop!!

Where were you born and raised? Where do you live now?
Born in Sandy, raised in South Jordan, lived in Cameron Park, CA. Lived in Provo for the last 10 years.

What is your favorite place you have visited - or place you would like to visit? 
I would love to go to Yellowstone.

What is your favorite food? 
There’re so many I can’t choose

What is your favorite book, movie or both. 
This one is even harder to choose

What music do you like to listen to?
Classical, instrumental, movie soundtracks especially

What is your occupation? What would your dream job be? Or what do you want to be when you grow up? 
Steel Detailer (AKA Time Slave). My dream job is to be a Disneyland Train Engineer with Benjamin.  I want to be a stay-at-home dad when I grow up.

What are some things that you enjoy doing?
Sleeping, playing with the kids, going on dates (with my wife).

Do you have any special talents or things you’re learning to do?
I am what my wife calls the “master packer.” I can fit anything into our car, with inches to spare.

What is a goal you have? 
To become a project manager and move my family into a home with a big backyard (pool for my wife and train room for my son), master bathroom, and a GARAGE!!

What is your pet peeve?
 Honking horns when there is no legitimate need for it!

Have you been on any adventures?
Northbound on I-15 every morning

Something you’re afraid of? 
A bear in an alligator suit

What was your most funny or embarrassing moment? 
Dropping a gallon of milk at my surprise graduation party. My kids still won’t let me forget it.

What is your best quality? 
I am super good at interacting with kids—sometimes it is easier than interacting with adults

Share an interesting fact that we don’t know about you.
I am Iron Man

Share something you would like to do or see some day, or a dream that you have already fulfilled. 
Graduate from college—it was a long time comin’!

1 comment:

  1. I won't let you forget the gallon milk incident, either. (Natalie)
